New York Times Staffer Cyber-Harasses and Threatens Author for Unveiling Alleged Times Impropriety
“… I will tell you this, though. IF I ever find your twisted weave within reachin’ distance of me, I will likely break your neck- if you have one, you no-necked piece of filth.
Coco has something you lack- talent,looks, personality, and a life that isn’t buried beneath a pile of [sh#t]. That’s you.
I hope you die soon. I’ll keep my eye you, [c#nt].”
The IP address behind the cyber-harassment and physical threats by “Wanda Smith” aka “til8x8x8is4,” against author Abbe Diaz, has been traced to the residence of Jeffrey Henson Scales, current New York Times photographer and editor, at the center of the controversy detailed in Diaz’s latest book. An Aggravated Harassment report has been filed with the New York Police Department.
The New York Times has been contacted and has not responded.
** UPDATED 1/21/2016 **
The apparent motives, details, and timeline of the cyber-harassment and threats have been outlined in a “mobile-friendly” summary HERE.
NY TIMES STAFFER Threatens/ Harasses Author for Unveiling Alleged NY TIMES Impropriety
The IP address behind the cyber-harassment/ death threats by “Wanda Smith” aka “til8x8x8is4,” against author Abbe Diaz, has been traced to the residence of Jeffrey Henson Scales, a current New York Times photographer/editor at the center of the controversy. An Aggravated Harassment report has been filed with the Detective Squad of the New York Police Department.
The New York Times has been contacted and has not responded.
New York Times Staffer Death-Threatens Author, for Unveiling Alleged NY Times/ Gawker Impropriety –
NY Times’s Lawyer to Times Staffer: Hide Misdeeds from Google –
Gawker’s Nick Denton Threatens to Fire/ Blacklist Any Journalists Tasked with Reporting on Misconduct
[ A “mobile-friendly” version of this post is available HERE. ]
Jeffrey Henson Scales, a New York Times photographer and editor, and/or his wife Meg Henson Scales, also a former New York Times contributor, have admittedly and continuously harassed and violently threatened author Abbe Diaz for well over a year now— for unveiling an alleged New York Times impropriety involving their daughter, NY Times "essayist," Coco Henson Scales.
Despite being warned not to contact Diaz (nor any affiliates of the PX This website) in accordance with the Aggravated Harassment report filed by Diaz with the Detective Squad of the New York Police Department, persistent malicious messages by the Henson-Scaleses (which were originally posted as comments to Diaz on the PX This website under such pseudonyms as “Wanda Smith,” “til8x8x8is4,” and “Jesus Palacios”) have included such malevolent sentiments as [entirely sic]:
“if you don’t take your shit about Coco?? You WILL lose the bullsit you have… ll change your mind. Keep an eye on your front and your back: WHORE.
You disgusting piece of smegma. I’d go to the electric chair laughing, if I only got to kill you.”
“… I will tell you this, though. IF I ever find your twisted weave within reachin’ distance of me, I will likely break your neck- if you have one, you no-necked piece of filth… I hope you die soon. I’ll keep my eye you, cunt.”
“you keep that shit lies about Coco? you fucking bitch. you twat. wannaget raped?“
“Keep talking about Coco Henson Scales. You must think actions doon’t have consequences”
Married a millionaire, my ass… Turning tricks for old men… Please. Just kill yourself. Make the world a better place.”
“… This is you first and last warnings. Take down your vicious drag queen sheet about Coco and Meg (I know them both); or your shit’s bout to be fried.
You ain’t nuttin but a losin, fugly, stupid bitch, with nuttin to work with.
Why you don’t kill yourself?
Jes sayin. YOU AIN’T SHIT.
Coco and Meg may not be able to hurt you, but WE WILL. NOW.”
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- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
- Indochine 30th Anniversary Party
PX This proudly presents the latest in our ongoing "Why Are Journalists So Fucking Dense?" series:
from: Simon Owens <>
to: px this <>
cc: Steven Wilson <>
date: Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 12:51 PM
subject: Re: Prominent Journalists Commit Intellectual Theft, Libel, Cover-Up, Against Author/ Former "Maitre d’ to the Stars"
Provide me proof that "Gawker owner Nick Denton forbade any writers from accepting her investigative-reportage challenge, under threat of termination and/or blacklist" and I’ll gladly promote your book.
My boss is married to a multi-millionaire, and before this she was engaged to a different multi-millionaire.
I just finished reading her book, titled PX Me (How I Became a Published Author, Got Micro-Famous, and Married a Millionaire) for the third time. At first I read it twice just because I enjoyed it, but this time I went back looking for something specific for PR purposes, and I ended up reading the whole thing all over again. I also read her first book twice, and since her books are diaries, I think I have a pretty good answer to this question by now.
She dumped the first millionaire after they were together about 3 or 4 years, and then she met her current husband about 6 days later. So as far as I am concerned she definitely qualifies as an expert. These are the tips that I can sum up from her experiences. Read more »
PX Me (How I Became a Published Author, Got Micro-Famous, and Married a Millionaire) is FINALLY available in its entirety at Amazon for Kindle.
Thank you for all your continuing patience, encouragement, and support.
Ah, I love the smell of napalm in my inbox. So uh yah, thanks to you-know-what all over the you-know-where, things sure are jiggy this morning.
“… Emily Gould, and her privileged, pouty, vain, self-absorbed Agents of SNARK are a plague on the written word. They go to school, become semi-literate and then figure out that the lion’s share of the population is so poorly-educated that even their high school rants against the machine (only grown-ups can rage against it – children can only rant, because nothing they write will ever truly make a difference) will attract attention from the unwashed masses.
41INSIDER: Mangia VINDICATED in Final Decision of Wiercinski vs Mangia (aka The “Nazi Deli” Hoax)
Uh yeeah what have we been saying all along?!
What’s that— you don’t remember?
Oh! Well please, let us remind you!
You may recall we last left fraudster and extortionist Adam Wiercinski aka Adam Jamroz idiotically gloating about his so-called “victory” over his former employer, Mangia LLC.
As you know, when many many many media outlets erronerously reported a jury "award" of $900,000.00 having been granted to fraudster and extortionist Adam Wiercinski aka Adam Jamroz, WE here at PX This boldly and vehemently presented the FACTS and TRANSCRIPTS in the face of a veritable tidal wave of libelous media coverage.
For all our judicious, righteous, moral, truthful, and ethical efforts, we were rewarded with
oh right, nothing. Hah, less than nothing! Despite PX This being the ONLY public source of OFFICIAL COURT TRANSCRIPTS from the trial, PX This was still accused of somehow being "biased," "conspiratorial," and "crazy" by several stupid, gullible, wholly uninfomed, willfully ignorant trolls at The Huffington Post, The New York Post, New York magazine, Fox News, The Washington Times, The International Business Times, Gothamist, Yelp, etc etc etc.
But whatever! Cuz GUESS WHAT.
The wait is over mutherfukkers, and fraudster extortionist Adam Wiercinski aka Adam Jamroz LOST. Gee whiz, justice prevailing, imagine that!