[ Jody Williams @ ] Morandi

September 30th, 2010 by The House


GREATEST HITS: theForum@px.this

PX This hereby presents The Forum’s Greatest Hits, a thread-by-thread archive of the most fascinating discussions from "theForum@px.this" — our online F&B oriented community IP.Board (founded in 2007) made virtually obsolete by the re-launch of theBlahg, pxthis.com, on August 31, 2009.


[theForum@px.this will be fully and permanently dismantled upon the definitive completion of its archive.]


[Jody Williams @] Morandi

Started: March 16, 2007. 4:37 PM by ) *Dick Johnson* • Closed: September 30, 2010 12:45PM • Archived at 70,294 Views


PRIMARY SUBJECT : Chef Jody Williams‘s defection from Sasha Muniak‘s Gusto Ristorante to Keith McNally‘s Morandi (located several blocks from Gusto).


ADJUNCT SUBJECTS : Sasha Muniak, Keith McNally, eater.com’s Lockhart Steele and Ben Leventhal, former New York Times critic Frank Bruni, New York magazine’s critic Adam Platt, New York Post critic Steve Cuozzo


GIST OF TOPIC : Chef Jody Williams’s brief tenure as Head Chef of Morandi


SIGNIFICANCE: This fascinating discussion thread sets the background for PX This’s famous "The Grasshopper Chronicles" (ohhh, you don’t want to miss that one)! Marvel as the (insightful, sagacious, vastly-experienced-within-the-F&B-industry) members of PX This are denigrated and derided time and again by various NYC food/restaurant journalists/bloggers— only to eventually be proven 100% correct in all their declarations and assertions.

The blatant bias, misconduct, and lack of integrity within the "Food Media" will astound you. The rest of it will have you LOLROTF! Really, we promise.


RATING: ★★★★★



WHAT THE STARS MEAN: Ratings range from zero to five stars and reflect the discussion’s entertainment value, from amusing to hilarious, with edification taken into consideration. Hyperlinks contained within are subject to change.

The archives of theForum@px.this have been edited for the sake of clarity, brevity, and squeakiness. [If you require an original unedited copy of the discussion, please e-mail px.this@gmail.com]



** [UPDATED] See also: The Grasshopper Chronicles (Did Chef Jody Williams try to undermine her former boss by planting a grasshopper in a sandwich wrap?)



For more on this subject, read PX Me – The Sequel to PX This



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2 Responses to “[ Jody Williams @ ] Morandi”

  1. john.smith Says:

    good times good times…………………

  2. whats anorexia? Says:

    omg there’s been so much, almost forgot about this!!! :O :D

    actually, am dying to see it all laid out in book format!!! :D :) go abbe!!!!

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