F&F: Super Linda

February 20th, 2012
Super Linda

  PX This presents THE F&F REVIEW Hey, sorry we couldn’t make it to "Friends&Family," we were out of town/ had to work/ not invited. We’re really glad we finally managed to come by, though—

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F&F: Miss Lily’s

March 4th, 2011
Miss Lily's, NYC

  PX This presents THE F&F REVIEW Hey, sorry we couldn’t make it to "Friends&Family," we were out of town/ had to work/ not invited. We’re really glad we finally managed to come by, though— it’s so nice to see you! What’s that? You would still like us to take the time to fill out […]

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The Curious Case of Gwendolyn Butler

October 13th, 2010

The (NYC Food & Beverage Industry) Life & Times of Gwen Butler

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Brooklyn’s Finest

August 2nd, 2010

  There seems to be a bit of controversy lately over our recent recommendation of La Esquina as the place at "the top of [the] list" to dine as a "hip and savvy local," should one happen to have a single night’s visit to NYC. It seems that the latest "changes" at La Esquina may […]

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The Blabber… [UPDATED]

June 3rd, 2010

  As news spreads about Anna Wintour‘s apprehension over Serge Becker’s latest enterprise (New York Post‘s "Page Six" has confirmation from Ms. Wintour’s office), comments and suggestions have been pouring into our inbox. (Thank you!) Several have asserted we were perhaps remiss in neglecting to divulge the name and/or location of said enterprise, which was, […]

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The Blabber in the Trenches

June 2nd, 2010

The Devil Eats Jerk Pork. NOT. The latest captivating chatter in and amongst the industry has Anna Wintour rumored to have already slapped Serge Becker‘s latest not-yet-open downtown "café" with a preliminary smackdown. As you may recall, one of Becker’s other establishments, La Esquina, was recently unjustly obstructed from doing business for three days, and […]

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The Lives of Others

December 7th, 2009

I’m running out of great films to recommend! What to do, what to do… Oh, I know! I’ll just inquire of other people which films they’d recommend. And to keep it all in the spirit of PX This, I’ll ask some of the aficionados and arbiters in and around the F&B/Nightlife industry! Won’t that be […]

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