Truth is Blind

October 8th, 2010 by The House


• Which vainglorious, injudicious, maladroit colleague has already been replaced but just doesn’t know it yet?
Lie down with dogs…


• Which restaurateur is in a quandary over a popular "concept" that was recently sold to somebody else? Damn those pesky majority shareholders, always getting in the way of personal profit.


• Which ostensible windfall is already causing more trouble than it’s (literally) worth? Tsk, tsk— mo’ money, mo’ problems. (Or, unfortunately in this case— no money, bigger problems.)



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3 Responses to “Truth is Blind”

  1. Italia Says:

    Is the second one McNally? Heard that the West Vill CB wanted a Balthazar and not a Pulino on Greenwich Ave. but Balthazar is owned by Richard Caring now.

  2. Capt K Says:

    Didn’t I see something in Eater today, saying that Keith withdrew his application for that Greenwich Ave space? Yeah, the CB wanted a Balthazar Cafe, they denied Pulino’s Cafe.

  3. MONEMAN Says:

    He was denied the deal

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