welcome to the new pxthis.com (again)

January 16th, 2013 by abbe diaz

We're back!

OMG pxthis dot com is back.

Wow, it’s been a really long time. Crazy, isn’t it? Lots of stuff has happened. Actually it seems like time has whizzed by and lots of stuff has happened, but at the same time it feels like everything is just fucking standing still.

Sooo much to tell. So exciting! But I guess I should first explain what the hell has been going on this last year or so.

Yah so, remember how I said this blog had to take a hiatus so that I could get cracking on my next book? Ha ha ha ha what a joke. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s coming along, I swear— but it got kinda totally sidetracked, of course. See, the PX This web series project finally started coming together, so you know how that is, I had to roll with it or maybe lose the opportunity and have to wait another looong while. And I don’t know if you realize or remember it, but that shit has been in the works since back in 2007.

Anyway, I know I promised the series in October of 2012 but oh my lord. You have no idea the rigmarole I’ve been through, wooo child. But we’ll save those details for later. (First World problems.)

And yesss, my second book was promised by this season too, sigh. I think the only way to avert pushing its publication further back (again) is to release it as a serial. So that is what I am going to do. Mom is going to hate the idea because she’s only asked me about my "new book" a hundred bazillion times and she doesn’t know how to use the Kindle app on her iPad. But there’s no other way, it’s really the best solution.

So okay, here we go. We are going to have loads of fun. Wheee!




3 Responses to “welcome to the new pxthis.com (again)”

  1. Guess Says:

    It’s about time! :P

  2. abbe Says:

    Hey, how did you get in here, did you break in through a back door? Or did the googlies already start indexing this page?
    As you can see from our domain URL, we are not quite ready for primetime yet, mmkay. I was just kinda messing around. But I’M WORKING ON IT DAMMIT.
    (I don’t have to “guess,” I’m pretty sure I know who you are. So nyeah.)
    Welcome back, nonetheless.

  3. Guess Says:

    I can see you’re working on it. Every time I come back, all the colors are different. :P

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