Hello there! Aww, thanks so much for the lovely messages asking about the movie recommendations! And here I thought you just didn’t love me {sniffle}.
Speaking of love, have you ever had your heart broken? Don’t be afraid to admit it, of course you have. Well! Have you ever imagined it might have been intentional? Like, a conspiracy even? That would explain everything, right? After all, who would be stupid enough to dump you?!
There’s even a film about it! This fascinating documentary gut-wrenching real-life drama hilarious comedy will have you contemplating all your past relationships; you’ll be amazed at the blatant similarities between this movie and that time you really fell hard for that totally smoking guy that you really didn’t know that well but knew instantly he was your soulmate and you’d been destined to be together forever and you moved all your stuff into his apartment within weeks of meeting and started planning your gorgeous wedding and had all your future kids’ names picked out and then not long after couldn’t figure out why suddenly out of the blue he said he needed space and he packed all your stuff in a box and shipped it to your old roommate and defriended you on Facebook and claimed to never have received any of your voicemails or text messages or the fresh-baked cookies you left on his doorstep…
Oh! Ahem sorry, got carried away for a second there. Y’know— hypothetically speaking, I mean.
Anyhoo, watch Heartbreaker! Even if, like me, you’re some kind of anomolous freak and you simply can’t relate at all to ever having you heart broken, you will so love this movie. Fer shur. I did!