On Gwyneth Paltrow

January 21st, 2011 by abbe diaz


hey, did you happen to see The Daily News this morning?

awesome, isn’t it?


well, if you happened to see the thingie on Hamptons.com the other day too, i just wanted to point out that my full statement was actually:

"Oh geez, why does it always boil down to Gwyneth Paltrow? …I’m far more fascinated by the logistics and implications of a multi-billion dollar food-and-beverage-as-entertainment industry that literally hoodwinks and exploits its most devoted followers and passionate patrons, not to mention what it does to its dedicated laborers. Or maybe the burgeoning self-sufficient sustainability of creative careers, what with the proliferation of personal technology and the Internet and all. Or even just plain life as comedy in general. But with this pervasive victory of triviality over substance, every time people mention my name, it’s stupid Gwyneth Paltrow. Can we move on already? Oh, no? Okay, then. Yes it’s true. Gwyneth Paltrow is a total creepface."

ha ha ha ahahaa. i’m just sayin.


thank you, Daily News! yay me!



* * * * *

Have you heard?
Until the release of PX Me (Summer 2011), this website will henceforth be updated only intermittently (approximately once or twice a week).
Abbe Diaz’s new (daily) blog is now at: abbediaz.com



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6 Responses to “On Gwyneth Paltrow”

  1. Zainab Says:

    Kudos, big-ups and all of that…plus a bag of chips!!

  2. Zainab Says:

    Kudos, big-ups and all of that…plus a bag of chips!!
    I see you lady.

  3. whats anorexia? Says:

    go abbe!!!!!!!! :) :D

  4. MILFweed Says:

    Congrats! Can’t wait your other blog Abbs!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    What? Other blog?

  6. Inkslinger Says:

    This other blog:



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