The Blabber… in the Trenches

March 2nd, 2010 by The House

• Rumor has it David Bouley has "let go" of corporate chef Shea Gallante. This report has not been confirmed, however, as further inquiries have merely resulted in eye rolls and knowing smirks. Besides, it’s not really our job nor inclination here at PX This to sweat and/or verify these things (we’re not a fucking foodie blog, dammit!) but, you can feel free to bear in mind that since its 2004 inception, PX This has never been wrong.

It’s much more fun to sit back and watch others do the work, anyway. Imagining the PR people and whanot suddenly scrambling to send appeasing press releases to Florence Fabricant is always good for chuckle.


John deLucie responds via SMS to the persistent e-mails PX This has received that he was "fired" and not simply "on leave" from The Waverly Inn. He writes, "I’m a partner. How can I be fired?"
Mmmkay? Got that? We hope you’re satisfied now. Just sayin’.


John McDonald replies to an inquiry about the renovation of Chinatown Brasserie: "Eh, we haven’t even started yet… you know how it is."


• Lastly, our two nightlife impresarios on the subject of their latest venture: "The Russian is out… but we got this other guy from Belarus…"
Just in case you were wondering.


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4 Responses to “The Blabber… in the Trenches”

  1. John doe Says:

    Actually he walked out during service. Screaming match. Shit show

  2. Anonymous Says:

    A “shit show” in a David Bouley restaurant? That’s so hard to believe [/sarcasm].

  3. Inkslinger Says:

  4. Fuck Flo Fab Says:

    The era of food “journalists” thinking that they are such hot shit because all the places are beholden to them is over! Back to the basics for making sure that you are successful. Ass kissing the press isn’t going to cut it anymore.

    Seeing all the clueless Midwest tourist losers at all the journo “faves” is proof of this, while all the cool people are hanging out at Indochine at Griffou, which never gave a shit about the food press. Guess their all gonna have to look for their free meals someplace else. Try your local soup kitchen, assholes!

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