F&F: Village Tart

March 25th, 2010 by Dick Johnson

PX This presents THE F&F REVIEW

Hey, sorry we couldn’t make it to "Friends&Family," we were out of town/ had to work/ not invited. We’re really glad we finally managed to come by, though— it’s so nice to see you!
What’s that? You would still like us to take the time to fill out the F&F survey, because you’d love to take advantage of all our vast experience, knowledge, insight, and expertise as long as we’re already here? Because you invited 75 people to F&F, and afterward all you got was 41 "Congrats[es]!" 22 "Awesome[s]!" 3 "Ciao[s]!" and 9 "Best of lucks[s]!" ?
Of course, we’d be honored. Oh ha, yesss, we’ll be honest— brutally honest even, ha ha! After all, that’s what friends & family are for!
No no please, don’t send anything more, we’re stuffed, we can’t breathe, you’ll have to roll us out of here, ha ha ha… !


Village Tart

What was your first impression?
Nice. Very cute…

Please rate the Bar:
Good, especially considering it’s not a really a "bar," per se— more like bar seats at a diner counter (albeit a chic, adorable diner). The lounge tables are comfortable though— best for couples.

Please rate the drinks/ cocktails/ wine:
Beer and wine only. Brief list, but thoughtful. Reasonably priced, but not exactly a bargain.

Please rate the Dining Room:
Perfect for the space and concept; a smart use of spare square footage. Inviting and cozy. Chic but casual. Somebody really had their thinking cap on…

Please rate the BOH:
Amazing. Is this the smartest, most sagacious, little restaurant ever built? Could be. (I’d have to know what they spent on construction to be sure.)

How was the staff?
OK. Proficient and adept, but in that very casual downtown laissez-faire kind of way. One person in particular was excellent, however. While all his colleagues were declaring, "I’m off. I’m not working now" (yes, right in front of the customers— us), this guy somehow managed to wait tables, pour wine, serve "to go" desserts over the counter, be a superb barista (yes, I watched him make coffee and expertly steam milk) and be affable and charming all at the same time. Plus, evidently he’s (at least) bilingual.
I’d tell you his name— but I’m keeping it for my headhunter file instead, suckers.

What did you eat?/ How was the food?
Flatbread with hummus : Very nice. Personally I might have preferred the bread be a little toastier, but then that would have detracted from its pliable suppleness. And the hummus was fresh, simple and delicious. Perfect.
Cow "Pig" in a Blanket : Oh my lord. If there’s a heaven for poor little cow-pigs, this is it.
Chicken Pot Pie : Whoa. Clear off that counter, I’m moving in. I’ll sleep right here.
Braised Short Rib : WTF?! I thought this was supposed to be a dessert shop.
Brussel Sprouts with Bacon Jam : If your mother had fed you brussel sprouts like this, you would never have had to hide them in your napkin and feed them to the dog. You’d almost be vegetarian today.
I know, shoot me; I’m too full for dessert : Sorry, Pichet! But, there’s always next time…

What did you like?

What did you dislike?
Well, nobody likes to hear, "I’m off." Come on guys, not even TGIFriday’s would let you get away with that. Believe me, I know.

What was your last impression?
I’m really glad I tried it.

Would you come back?
Yes. I’m craving that cow-pig right now. Cozy up in that blanket, baby— Daddy’s coming.

Thank you, and hope to see you soon!
Thanks, you will.


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