The Blabber on: Abe&Arthur/Simyone

September 8th, 2009 by Vanilla Ice


A Financier, an Operator, and a Blogger walk into a bar…

… order some drinks, get a little tipsy, and start — what else?—- gossiping like a bunch of sewing bee bitches. Here’s the transcript of the part of their discussion about Abe&Arthur/Simyone.

Blogger: Oh! ….And Abe&Arthur will be opening soon I guess.

Operator: Is that that new little place on Waverly?

B: No, that’s Joseph Leonard. Abe&Arthur is the place that used to be Lotus… the restaurant part is Abe&Arthur apparently, and then downstairs will be a club slash lounge type thing called Simyone… ya know, like Bijoux with the party brunch and whatever the upstairs was called.

O: Yah exactly, we don’t even remember the name… Who the hell wants to eat in a nightclub? That didn’t even work for Lotus and the food wasn’t even that bad.

B: People used to eat at Spy.

O: Get outta here, Spy had food? I don’t remember any food.

B: Sure… lobster club, fruit and cheese plate, caviar…

O: Ugh christ.

Financier: People might eat in the restaurant just to go to the nightclub afterward… that’s convenient.

O: Pssh, not if it’s like Lotus. Lotus didn’t guarantee entry to the club afterward just because you had a dinner reservation. That would be a good way for them to go though, because otherwise why would anyone eat there? Too many other good restaurants in that area, so why settle for one place for hours on end? That’s what people like about the meatpacking district… all the bar-hopping…

B: But doesn’t that kill the "exclusivity" thing? Otherwise it’s what— BuddhaBar with dancing?

O: Oh c’mon, in a place that size, how are they ever going to make any money trying to be "exclusive"? They can get the Tenjune crowd, but then what, kill Tenjune? There’s no way they can keep a "hot" crowd in both. But maybe that’s the plan anyway. Now that they milked Tenjune for what it was worth…

B: They can offer it up to the B&T gods? That makes sense.

O: The moneymaker. Does Tenjune charge a cover? They can probably start…. and from what I heard that’s what they probably should do if they going to try to keep the new one exclusive. I heard those guys are in deep with their own personal cash. And they might be cash poor. I know someone who was interviewing for a position… they just lowballed him all day long… it’s like The Inn [at Little West 12th] all over again… We all know how that turned out….

B: I did hear something like that. The way it was told to me is that supposedly they invested a lot of their own money right before the market crash… like "putting a deposit on a pre-construction condo… now that the banks aren’t lending, people either have to come up with the rest of the money some other way, or walk away and take the loss of the deposit… supposedly, this is the boat that those guys are in— they just can’t walk away from the cash already in, so they have no choice but to forge ahead."

F: Banks were never lending to nightclubs, anyway. I’ve never seen a good business plan from one, and that’s all I do all day is look at these things. All that money was coming from guys that may have been in banking but were fronting their own money… I even thought of doing it once…

B: I remember. But you wanted to own the property… I could be wrong, but most of these places are leased, aren’t they?

O: They’re all leased.

F: I know guys that have put their money in clubs. No one ever saw a dime back, but that wasn’t the point anyway.

B: Haa, oh god, I always thought that was a myth.

F: If these guys are dropping a couple grand a weekend anyway, what do you think 50 G’s means to them? It’s all the hype of "ownership" and drinks and the girls…

O: Yeah, you get 10 or 20 of those suckers… no offense…

B: Yeah, but then what about all the celebrities? It’s not like they have problems with drinks and girls…

F: Those are just names. Like, their name is worth money…

B: The place looks nice though… there were renderings all over the internet

O: Ugh, why do people release their renderings? The actual place never matches the renderings. The renderings are sales pitches by the architects, and the budgets never meet the demands… Then they just look like they’re fronting…

B: Maybe they’re fronting then. Isn’t that the point? If they want to build hype and anticipation…?

B: Oh, what’s the deal with Remm and Tepperberg anyway? I heard they straight up kicked him out of Tao in Vegas halfway through his meal….

O: Remm was never one for making friends…

B: If he didn’t think you’re worth it to him…?

O: … But he shouldn’t be trying to make enemies either…

B: No, he’s got the right idea. I thought I heard he was going around saying he needed a starlet girlfriend, to make himself "next level." Oh! Wait, he did date Shannen Doherty, right?

O: He wants to be Richie Akiva more than anyone else in the world… but the food even sucked at Butter.

B: They do kind of look alike, don’t you think?

O: Shannen Doherty is no Carmen Kass…

B: You know I saw Eugene Remm dive under a banquette to rescue his [former] boss’s lipstick once. There were all these other bartenders and managers around, but Eugene Remm was the only chivalrous one….

O: He was the only one who could fit under the banquette without stooping over?

B: Aww… that’s mean…

F: No good deed goes unpunished…



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