The Blabber… [UPDATED]

June 3rd, 2010 by The House


As news spreads about Anna Wintour‘s apprehension over Serge Becker’s latest enterprise (New York Post‘s "Page Six" has confirmation from Ms. Wintour’s office), comments and suggestions have been pouring into our inbox. (Thank you!)

Several have asserted we were perhaps remiss in neglecting to divulge the name and/or location of said enterprise, which was, in fact, intentional. As it has come to our attention these details are hardly a "secret" (many of the e-mails received contained the particulars within), we no longer find it necessary to maintain our initial furtiveness.

The aforementioned entity is said to be dba Miss Lily’s and is located at 132 West Houston St (contrary to further speculation).

Thank you for your kind support and advocacy.



**Miss Lily’s graphic design logo by Carmen Montt


***See also (earlier):

The Blabber in the Trenches [Volume 3]


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