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Posted by: whats anorexia? Nov 21 2007, 02:58 PM

Gawker Lays Hate on Restaurant Girl Danyelle Freeman
Danyelle Freeman took a beating from Gawker this week.
Now that Bruni Digest author Julia Langbein is blogging for Gourmet, you dont hear many jabs at Franks purple prose anymore. Enter Gawker, which yesterday took aim at a much fresher target in not one but three posts skewering Danyelle Freeman, a.k.a. Restaurant Hurl. Somehow we dont think Gawkers back-to-back parody reviews which focused on a sandwich we eat about three times a week, Despaas El Quixote will cause Freemans future dispatches to be any less florid and torrid.
Which is why it may be time for the inimitable Ms. Langbein to revive her site in honor of the Daily Snooze critic (the one at the Times clearly isnt going anywhere). If Julia comes through, well treat her to a Quixote sandwich with its rapturously/lusciously/enchantingly chewy bread.

i just wanted to post this even though everyone is probably away for thanksgiving :)


Posted by: Dick Johnson Nov 26 2007, 01:00 PM

QUOTE (whats anorexia? @ Nov 21 2007, 01:58 PM)
Gawker Lays Hate on Restaurant Girl Danyelle Freeman

Wait, isn't Josh Stein the "ignorasshole" at Gawker who writes about restaurants?

Yeah, that's a little like the retarded pot making fun of the idiot kettle.

Posted by: Dick Johnson Nov 26 2007, 01:01 PM

QUOTE (whats anorexia? @ Nov 21 2007, 01:58 PM)
i just wanted to post this even though everyone is probably away for thanksgiving

"Away" working like a dog, maybe.


Posted by: abbe Nov 26 2007, 02:13 PM

QUOTE (Dick Johnson @ Nov 26 2007, 12:00 PM)
Yeah, that's a little like the retarded pot making fun of the idiot kettle.

hahahahahhah ahh hahhahahahahhaa

yah i think this coulda been a good comment for here --->

except for: you're a big pussy, aren't you

Posted by: MILFweed Nov 26 2007, 03:40 PM

QUOTE (abbe @ Nov 26 2007, 01:13 PM)
yah i think this coulda been a good comment for here
except for: you're a big pussy, aren't you

Unfortunately we are all slaves to our IP addresses.

Posted by: jo Nov 27 2007, 12:16 PM

Well, far be it for me to suggest Gawker actually do something helpful or anything ridiculous like that...
abbe diaz
PX This.
geld iaz
p.s. Please tell Josh Stein I said: Bite me, mutherfukker. Thanks.


Posted by: Dick Johnson Nov 27 2007, 12:40 PM

QUOTE (abbe @ Nov 26 2007, 01:13 PM)
except for: you're a big pussy, aren't you

Excuse me, but my contract with pxthis clearly states, "No other internet entities shall benefit from the commenting brilliance of the persona known as 'Dick Johnson'..."


Posted by: john.smith Nov 27 2007, 12:45 PM

QUOTE (jo @ Nov 27 2007, 11:16 AM)
Well, far be it for me to suggest Gawker actually do something helpful or anything ridiculous like that, but if you wouldn't mind, I would greatly appreciate it if I could borrow a cup of sugar right now, and please use this here teeny slice of cyberspace to relay the message to Kaity and Patrick-- they can stay with me whenever they like.
(Sorry, I moved twice this year myself and lost my last crackberry; I don't know where the hells anything is. Plus, everybody knows I'm 'self-promotional' anyways.)
The info to reach me if they no longer have it, can be found at:, as usual.
Thanks to Gawker for their kind hospitality.
abbe diaz
PX This.
geld iaz
p.s. Please tell Josh Stein I said: Bite me, mutherfukker. Thanks.

chinese news anchoress + filipino author/bloggeress + grasshopper wrap king + random irish guy = Real World 2008...........................


Posted by: Dick Johnson Nov 27 2007, 12:51 PM

QUOTE (jo @ Nov 27 2007, 11:16 AM)

Chicken Jungle?

Completely nonsensical, and yet, oddly appropriate.

Posted by: whats anorexia? Dec 3 2007, 06:36 PM

Top Editor and Two Colleagues to Leave Media Blog Gawker
Published: December 3, 2007

When half of a media outlets editorial staff decides to jump ship, chances are it will be reported first on the media gossip blog Gawker even, it turns out, when those departures are from Gawker itself.
In a posting Friday afternoon, Emily Gould, a Gawker editor, dropped the bomb: both she and Choire Sicha, the sites top editor, were quitting. A third editor, Joshua David Stein, confirmed on Saturday that he was leaving, too. Gawkers three remaining staff members were all hired within the last three months...
Reached by telephone, both Ms. Gould and Mr. Stein said their departures were predicated partly on Mr. Sicha leaving. Ms. Gould, who has been with Gawker for a year, said she was upset about a new compensation system that pays writers according to how many times people view their blog posts rather than only by how many posts they write. The system, she said, pits writers against one another.
It really gets in your head in this weird way because youre getting so conscious of how many people are reading what, Ms. Gould said. You get focused on being sensational and even more brain candyish than Gawker was to start with...

i guess the ignorasshole quit.


Posted by: jo Dec 4 2007, 01:31 PM

Gawker Loses Third Editor in Three Days

abbe_diaz (not verified) says:
"I really, really enjoy working with Choire," he said. "He taught me a lot, and Emily as well. They taught me a lot about blogging, which I wasn't very good at when I started."

Really? Considering how much he sucks NOW, I guess they must have been the ones who taught him how to type with a keyboard and hit "send."
DECEMBER 04, 2007 9:52 AM

And with that, I do believe this topic deserves its own thread.


Posted by: angel Dec 4 2007, 01:37 PM

QUOTE (jo @ Dec 4 2007, 12:33 PM)
And with that, I do believe this topic deserves its own thread.

Your wish is my command!


Posted by: Inkslinger Dec 4 2007, 02:38 PM

That's his picture?

Like I said before, I can't believe that people who are this dorky have the nerve to make fun of other people.

Posted by: Dick Johnson Dec 4 2007, 04:52 PM

abbe_diaz (not verified) says:
"I really, really enjoy working with Choire," he said. "He taught me a lot, and Emily as well. They taught me a lot about blogging, which I wasn't very good at when I started."
Really? Considering how much he sucks NOW, I guess they must have been the ones who taught him how to type with a keyboard and hit "send."

Way too nice. If you went to all the trouble to log on and post anyway, you should have really let him have it.

Starting with - his stupid, ugly haircut.


Posted by: Jason Has-Binn Dec 4 2007, 05:01 PM

buh bye josh stein. see you upstairs at the spotted pig!

oh no wait, i guess we won't [seeing as you don't have the code]


Posted by: MILFweed Dec 4 2007, 05:13 PM

Too bad he's going to London. With all these restaurant workers here it could have been great to take a more proactive stance. Right in his food now that you have his picture.

Then again we all know those Gawker writers make less than $12 per post so he probably can't afford to go to those places (especially now that he's unemployed). That's why they're all so bitter and always have to insult people who are better than them.

Posted by: abbe Dec 5 2007, 12:51 PM

QUOTE (MILFweed @ Dec 4 2007, 04:13 PM)
Then again we all know those Gawker writers make less than $12 per post so he probably can't afford to go to those places (especially now that he's unemployed). That's why they're all so bitter and always have to insult people who are better than them.

not that i actually give a hells about the ignorasshole or anything

but must say i do think nick-denton is a little full of shit on this one. i mean, i don't know exactly what they're making now or what the hit count quota per entry is or whatever. but $12 per entry sounds kinda crappy to me. $12, 12 entries.
that's $144 a day ?? gimme a break i was making more than that waiting tables at Houlihan's in secaucus, at the age of 16. CASH bitches.

no wonder they can't get (and/or keep) anyone good.
don't get me wrong, i still think the ignorasshole is a total douchebag.
but seriously

HOW in the world did Gawker expect to get a restaurant/bar/party/event "reporter" KNOWLEDGEABLE about nightlife on that kind of salary ??

nizzles please

Posted by: abbe Dec 5 2007, 12:54 PM

QUOTE (Inkslinger @ Dec 4 2007, 01:38 PM)
I can't believe that people who are this dorky have the nerve to make fun of other people.


if i had to summarize my entire sentiment about Gawker in one concise sentence-- that'd probably be it.

Posted by: MILFweed Dec 5 2007, 01:42 PM

QUOTE (abbe @ Dec 5 2007, 11:51 AM)
but must say i do think nick-denton is a little full of shit on this one. i mean, i don't know exactly what they're making now or what the hit count quota per entry is or whatever. but $12 per entry sounds kinda crappy to me. $12, 12 entries....

Oh Abbe puhlease. You expect them to make more than $12 for "writing" about their friend's dog's vagina?

Come on. If that's true then you should pay Dick Johnson $20 every time he types a sentence.

Posted by: MILFweed Dec 5 2007, 01:47 PM

OK look I think I get what you're saying. But those assholes brought it all upon themselves and now you are trying to say that we should be understanding? They have the nerve to brag about their hit numbers but neglect to tell you that alot of their readers are people like me who don't visit Gawker because we think it's so great but only because we are checking to see if they are saying anything nasty about me or any of my friends today.

Fuck them.

Posted by: mss Dec 5 2007, 05:35 PM

i initially posted it on Centro's thread but it really belongs here:

Chef Anne kicks ass again - including a certain former Gawker blogger


Posted by: virgo Dec 6 2007, 02:18 PM

wow. i don't read gawker that frequently but i do remember reading some of this guy's posts about bars and rests. he really isn't that knowledgeable at all; most of his stuff was his opinions or stuff you could read any number of other places. i would have thought that if it's his job to report on the nightlife scene, then it would be in his best interest to use this place as an informative tool instead of trying so hard to alienate the founder and members. there's such good info here that no one else could possibly know.

unless of course, they are all jus' jellus.


Posted by: Inkslinger Dec 10 2007, 12:54 PM

That's what we've been saying all along. But I guess now kharma is coming into play, because look at how far we've come along here! This place started out with everyone (Gawker, Eater, Cutlets, Jody etc) disparaging us when it first started, but now the Gawkers are unemployed, Morandi sucks, Diana's not around anymore, Centro is a huge success, Anne Burrell has her own TV show, and PX will soon be on HBO!


Posted by: Dick Johnson Dec 10 2007, 03:21 PM

You forgot: "....and Dick Johnson's getting laid more than ever!"


Posted by: Jason Has-Binn Dec 11 2007, 12:44 PM

except now it's boys


Posted by: whats anorexia? Dec 30 2007, 02:28 PM

Joshua David Stein, Gawker: Is Abbe Diaz's womb a neighborhood?

Joshua David Stein, Gawker: That Abbe Diaz hasn't killed anyone and isn't homeless yet.


Posted by: PassionFoodie Dec 30 2007, 10:06 PM

QUOTE (virgo @ Dec 6 2007, 01:18 PM)
wow. i don't read gawker that frequently but i do remember reading some of this guy's posts about bars and rests. he really isn't that knowledgeable at all; most of his stuff was his opinions or stuff you could read any number of other places. i would have thought that if it's his job to report on the nightlife scene, then it would be in his best interest to use this place as an informative tool instead of trying so hard to alienate the founder and members. there's such good info here that no one else could possibly know.
unless of course, they are all jus' jellus.

Why don't they all just drop dead.


Posted by: Dick Johnson Jan 3 2008, 11:26 AM

QUOTE (whats anorexia? @ Dec 30 2007, 01:28 PM)
Joshua David Stein, Gawker: Is Abbe Diaz's womb a neighborhood?
Joshua David Stein, Gawker: That Abbe Diaz hasn't killed anyone and isn't homeless yet.

Are either of these comments supposed to be funny? Or, even make sense?

I can't believe these jerkoffs get paid for what they write. Oh wait, that's right. They don't.


Posted by: whats anorexia? Jan 3 2008, 11:34 AM

actually, this was a private fucking email and not meant as a gawker tip. josh is an asshole for posting this as it was not for public consumption.

that was written by a writer who works for one of gawker's other websites.

Posted by: Inkslinger Jan 3 2008, 12:16 PM

QUOTE (whats anorexia? @ Dec 30 2007, 01:28 PM)
Joshua David Stein, Gawker: That Abbe Diaz hasn't killed anyone and isn't homeless yet.

This is where these assholes really piss me off. Why would Abbester be homeless? She has like 6 different jobs and all she has ever done is rail against the assholes in this industry like Lois and you-know-who-that-won't-be-mentioned. I for one am glad that we have a place like this where we can be heard for a change. I am so sick of reading these fluff pieces in all the papers that are so full of bullshit. It makes me so sick that all this time they have all been getting their asses kissed when in reality they're such horrible people. Thye're the ones who should be homeless!

Posted by: MONEYMAN Jan 3 2008, 12:41 PM

Bravo Inky

Anyone who works in this industry knows who the assholes are
Take the high road..............ignore them...........they hate that!!!


Posted by: MILFweed Jan 3 2008, 01:06 PM

Oh please. He wants to say he's surprised Abbe's not homeless? This coming from a guy whose greatest career accomplishment to date is working for a sad lame website that does nothing but perpetuate idiots with big breasts?

He really is an ignorant asshole.


Posted by: MILFweed Jan 3 2008, 01:21 PM

OMG I just saw these.

This is a very good example of exactly how stupid those writers at gawker are. Here is Abbe taking on some of the biggest titans in their fields and this idiot whose biggest contribution was writing about the douchebags at Beatrice Inn has the nerve to criticize Abbe?


Posted by: mss Jan 3 2008, 01:45 PM

someone's got a serious obsession going on. Abbe, aren't you tired? you must be on his mind 24/7

Posted by: abbe Jan 5 2008, 11:30 AM

awww. thanks guys

(whaaaaatever with that kid.)

Posted by: abbe Jan 5 2008, 11:32 AM

oh and wait did i read correctly or is one of those gawker kids thinking of being a yoga instructor ??

ah ha ha haa i really love these "western" peoples who jump alls over this yoga bandwagon and somehow they haven't quite yet grasped the concept of karma.

Posted by: PassionFoodie Jan 12 2008, 10:45 PM


Has Gawker Jumped the Snark?

Posted by: whats anorexia? Jan 13 2008, 05:29 PM


"Morgan (5:05:09 p.m.): are there forbidden topics? things you hate or are sick of?

Denton (5:05:30 p.m.): bashing of people who don't deserve it"

Ah ha ha haha hahahaa haah. Really ?? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE.

By any chance, would this sudden change of heart (assuming Gawker has one, that is) have anything to do with Leigh Haber going over to your table that night and telling you off at The Waverly Inn, smack in the middle of your dinner?? Or perhaps, my threatening to show up at your headquarters to slap that idiot Joshua Stein across his stupid ignorant face??! Just even a teensy weensy bit, maybe??!

Cuz that would be so AWESOME!!

[Whaaaaatever, mutherfukker.]

abbe diaz
PX This.


Posted by: PassionFoodie Jan 13 2008, 08:23 PM

What goes around .... comes around

Posted by: Dick Johnson Jan 14 2008, 01:09 PM

QUOTE (whats anorexia? @ Jan 13 2008, 04:29 PM)
...Or perhaps, my threatening to show up at your headquarters to slap that idiot Joshua Stein across his stupid ignorant face??!

Imagine what an impact, had you actually gone over there and slapped that idiot across his stupid ignorant face!



Posted by: whats anorexia? Feb 12 2008, 12:55 PM

it turns out the ignorasshole was sleeping with his co-worker, who also quit her job at gawker.

Posted by: Dick Johnson Feb 12 2008, 01:02 PM


OK, I couldn't bring myself to read the entire article, but the part I did read was just classic!


Posted by: Inkslinger Feb 12 2008, 01:23 PM

I said it before, and I'll say it again. I can't believe they had the nerve to make fun of other people.

I also think it's interesting how they go around being so self-important, when in reality, they're just ridiculous. I can't remember who posted a comparison between Abbester and Gawker (back when they were trashing us and called us 'Koreshian'), but it's becoming so obvious that their lives are so mundane in comparison.


Posted by: Ferret-n-Chicken! Feb 12 2008, 01:43 PM

QUOTE (Dick Johnson @ Feb 12 2008, 12:02 PM)
OK, I couldn't bring myself to read the entire article, but the part I did read was just classic!

Ditto!!!!! Except for the word classic I would say 'stupid'!!!!!!


Posted by: abbe Feb 26 2008, 02:50 PM

QUOTE by mathnet at 01:57 PM on 02/25/08
You know who would make a great nightlife reporter? Joshua David Stein.

QUOTE by chickenjungle at 02:24 PM on 02/25/08
Oh, COME ON. I've grown weary of slapping that idiotard upside his stupid ignorant head.
Can we get somebody a little more challenging (or some shit) this time, please?
abbe diaz
PX This.


(okay i lied. it's STILL fun to slap that idiotard upside his stupid head !)

Posted by: whats anorexia? Mar 6 2008, 05:49 PM

QUOTE (whats anorexia? @ Feb 12 2008, 11:55 AM)
it turns out the ignorasshole was sleeping with his co-worker, who also quit her job at gawker.

it turns out that the co-worker that was sleeping with the ignorasshole dumped him & is now sleeping with another co-worker? this is getting confusing!


Posted by: MILFweed Mar 7 2008, 05:35 PM

That item is classic. But reading all the indignant comments from gawker readers defending those writers is the most ridiculous thing. I for one am enjoying every minute of it. All that time they pointed fingers and laughed at people like us and our friends and they are finally getting a taste of their own medicine now. Turnabout is fair play assholes.


Posted by: abbe Mar 7 2008, 06:57 PM

QUOTE (whats anorexia? @ Mar 6 2008, 04:49 PM)
it turns out that the co-worker that was sleeping with the ignorasshole dumped him & is now sleeping with another co-worker? this is getting confusing!

apparently he's not a "another co-worker" but a co-writer.
but i think all the drama is something about how she used to mention him on Gawker all the time or wrote about him for some other magazine or whatever but evidently totally neglected to mention how she looooves him and wants to have like 10,000 of his babies.
or some shit.

alls i can say is:

Posted by: abbe Mar 7 2008, 07:07 PM

QUOTE (MILFweed @ Mar 7 2008, 04:35 PM)
That item is classic. But reading all the indignant comments from gawker readers defending those writers is the most ridiculous thing. I for one am enjoying every minute of it. All that time they pointed fingers and laughed at people like us and our friends and they are finally getting a taste of their own medicine now. Turnabout is fair play assholes.

yah but from what i gather all the "indignation" is about how it was nick-denton himself that wrote that item and so the indignarooties are saying he shouldn't be such a meanie to them cuz they used to work for him. or something like that

but uh yah-- hello ? are his former writers not "in the media" ??

and isn't it Gawker's JOB to write about peoples "in the media" ?? and lindsay lohan ?

and isn't Gawker's modus operandi entirely comprised of being totally mean to random peoples all day long ??

sooo-- what the fuck ??

personally i find it all so absolutely RIVETING.

Posted by: abbe Mar 7 2008, 07:14 PM

oh yah ! and evidently emily-gould is the one who called me "unintelligible" and "lame-dropping" but then like the next day she turned around and bit MY "you are so totally black" line

so. ya know--- FUCK THAT WHORE.


Posted by: whats anorexia? May 20 2008, 05:24 PM

QUOTE (abbe @ Mar 7 2008, 07:14 PM)
so. ya know--- FUCK THAT WHORE.

merry early xmas!

Posted by: Inkslinger May 21 2008, 11:18 AM

QUOTE (whats anorexia? @ May 20 2008, 05:24 PM)
merry early xmas!


ian spiegelman at
This guy aint no muthafuckin MC
I know everything he's got to say against me
I am white
I am a fuckin bum
I do live in a trailer with my mom
My boy Future is an Uncle Tom
I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob
Who shoots himself in the leg with his own gun
I did get jumped by all 6 of you chumps
And Wink did fuck my girl
I'm still standin here screamin fuck tha free world!!


chickenjungle at
@ian spiegelman:

Firstly, it's Free World-- capital F, capital W-- because it was the name of the rival "posse." (Nice try with the metaphor there, though.)

And I noticed you (intentionally?) left out the rest of the lyrics, which, interestingly enough, are QUITE appropriate in Ms.Gould's case here, no? Namely:

"Don't never try to judge me dude

You don't know what the fuck I've been through

But I know some-thing a-bout you

You went to Cranbrook, that's a private school

What's the matter dawg, you embarrassed?

This guy's a gangster?-- his real name's Clarence

And Clarence lives at home with both parents

And Clarence's parents have a real good marriage

This guy don't wanna battle, he's shook

'Cause ain't no such things as HALF-WAY CROOKS

He's scared to death, he's scared to look

In his fucking yearbook. Fuck Cranbrook."

In other words: Pathetic, Ms.Gould. Really, truly, fucking pathetic. And laughable too.

abbe diaz
PX This.


ian spiegelman at
I didn't bother to do anything but copy-n-paste from the first site that popped up. But I do, in fact, know that the other posses was Free World.
But I thought the lines I quoted--Rabbit talking about himself--were more fitting because of Emily's cover line: "Maybe it makes me feel safe to think that if I tell you all my secrets you won't have any ammo against me that I haven't given you."


chickenjungle at
@ian spiegelman:

Yeah, I get it. You were equating Rabbit to Ms.Gould.

That's exactly where I take issue. Cuz Emily Gould certainly is no fucking Rabbit. She's an obnoxious, pretentious, judgmental wannabee.

Just like Clarence.



Posted by: Inkslinger May 21 2008, 11:30 AM

QUOTE ADismalScience at

I really disagree with a big portion of your first bit, and I'm going to quote it because I disagree so strongly. I'll preface this by saying that I'm not a writer or a journalist and no expert on these matters.

Where our generosity went, and our willingness to see things from a different point of view. I wonder this about Gawker all the time -- like, as we commenters criticize every bit of behavior and decisions that others make in their lives, how much of it is a weird way of putting pressure on others to conform and be just like us?

It's not that at all!

Commenting is a public, identity-driven feedback mechanism. It is a process whereby we establish personal brands in the course of analyzing the material - or, as threads progress, other comments. It is built not on conformity, but on conflict; typically it's the fastest way for people to disagree and find each other. In the course of this process, you often find groups forming together to shout down an opinion, but that's value-added; strong ideas achieve buy-in from the body politic. It's an expression of processes that used to be wrapped in circulation figures or sales, and it moves lightning-quick toward consensus. This could be mistaken for conformity, but it's really just a rapid information exchange.

Furthermore, the debate isn't about what we're doing to Emily. It's about what Emily provides us. She doesn't present a sports event, market movement, or important event for us to analyze; she presents us with her own life and attempts to establish its events as indicative of the world at large. There is a value in such things, but I'm afraid that all she's shown me so far is a stark desperation for material and cultural success, a modicum of writing talent, and a shameless disregard for other people's reputations.

Where do I see that ending? Psuedo-celebrity. Minor financial success. A body of inconsequential low-culture pieces about the froth of young men and women in a Machiavellian world of abuse and distrust. She furthers every aspect of what I find disdainful about internet culture toward no noble end whatsoever.

And none of this is as bad as the fact that her writing, initially, seemed genuine, raw, and destined for something larger. Instead, she's already hooker her perpetual media motion device meager dark energy of her "persona" and doesn't seem to be concerned that, absent intervention, the height of her journalism career might be the time she dueled her ex-boyfriend's article with her own. How sad.


Posted by: Dick Johnson May 21 2008, 12:12 PM

QUOTE (abbe @ May 20 2008, 5:40 PM)
chickenjungle at 05:40 PM on 05/20/08
@ian spiegelman:
Yeah, I get it. You were equating Rabbit to Ms.Gould.
That's exactly where I take issue. Cuz Emily Gould certainly is no fucking Rabbit. She's an obnoxious, pretentious, judgmental wannabee.
Just like Clarence.

That's deep, man. Deeeeeep.

Posted by: whats anorexia? May 21 2008, 12:16 PM

QUOTE triplethreat at 11:24 PM on 05/20/08
@cassandra: @
"I don't think she's media-whoring, because (sigh) she has an actual interest in these things"
What things? Herself and her relationships? Her friend Julia Allison? What she looks like in a bathing suit? The many feelings and thinky thoughts she has about herself and her relationships, her friend Julia Allison, what she looks like in a bathing suit, her job at Gawker and the huge social import of all of these things?
You might think she is a decent writer--I'd say she is a decent crafter of sentences, but has so little to say that it doesn't amount to much. I'd put her feminism in the same category. And her current project of watching herself watching Sex and the City over on Jezebel is so fucking convolutedly self-absorbed and self-promotional it almost makes the Times piece pale in comparison.

Posted by: MILFweed May 21 2008, 12:19 PM

Well I'm glad you guys narrowed down the comments because I wasn't about to wading through 300 of them.

Posted by: abbe May 22 2008, 02:59 PM

chickenjungle at 01:52 PM

Whoa, whaaat?! Time out, douchewit.
Generally, I don't watch Top Chef because it's retarded, and I don't read you, because you suck. I accidentally somehow ended up in here, cuz I wanted to see more of this awesome screwing-your-coworker clusterfuck that "the media" is so impressed with this week, and I dunno, maybe my mouse got all trigger happy or some shit.

Yah so uh, lemme get this straight-- you come back here to Gawker to blog about this bullshit in your oh-so-absolutely-clueless fucking way, because right now nobody else is paying you to spew your typically pedestrian idiocy, yes?

Now, did I just read correctly, or are you seriously being indignant about some chef on a fucking TEEVEE SHOW, because she's an ass-sucking fuckface (or whatever)?

Huh, that's pretty funny, cuz I wrote an entire BOOK and keep a four-year blog, writing about JUST such "injustices," in the REAL RESTAURANT WORLD, and do you know what you did to me, you cocksucking mutherfukking piece of hypocritical shit?

Do I have to LINK to it, asshole? No, I think you remember it just fine. DICKHEAD.

In short: Fuck you, and the fucking stupid, self-righteous, dumbshit horse you rode in on.

abbe diaz
PX This.

p.s. NICE JOB with your so-called "career" so far, dweeb.

hah ha ahaa

i don't know what just came over me but damn. that shit just flew off my keyboard !


Posted by: abbe May 22 2008, 03:01 PM

my asstrology thingie says don't be belligerent today.

uh oh.

Posted by: Dick Johnson May 22 2008, 03:47 PM

QUOTE (abbe @ May 22 2008, 02:59 PM)
chickenjungle at 01:52 PM
Whoa, whaaat?! Time out, douchewit...


I wonder if Josh Swine would have been happier if you had just gone to the Gawker office and slapped him across the face. I'm thinking he might actually have liked it.

Posted by: Inkslinger May 22 2008, 03:58 PM

QUOTE (abbe @ May 22 2008, 02:59 PM)
chickenjungle at 01:52 PM
Whoa, whaaat?! Time out, douchewit...

Guess what! Someone's on the front page of Gawker right now!

A: That was a great bang to finally go out with. (Nice run!)

B: As usual, Gawker can't take what it dishes out. What a surprise.

C: You can still slap Josh Stein in the face, can't you?

Posted by: jo May 22 2008, 04:35 PM

QUOTE (Inkslinger @ May 22 2008, 03:58 PM)
Guess what! Someone's on the front page of Gawker right now! Apparently, you've been 'executed'.
A: That was a great bang to finally go out with. (Nice run!)

Several dozen comments longer than expected!

I always said if Abbe got tired of being an artist, she can always go into PR!

Posted by: virgo May 22 2008, 07:33 PM

wait, they banned you for making a good point? that's not funny, that's punkass.


Posted by: virgo May 22 2008, 07:45 PM

"Hey, hey, hey! It's time for some people to calm the fuck down... Abbe Diaz. I don't care who you are or what you've publishedthis kind of ad hominem, personal commenting-attack won't be tolerated here, because it's unintelligent and immature. And also, because I said so. The monkeys may be running the zoo herebut luckily, I'm one of them. That's all."

brother, is she kidding?

looks like somebody is in the wrong business. or at least forgotten which blog she works for.

Posted by: swee May 23 2008, 04:56 AM

She hasn't been there that long, I don't think. That's likely why she doesn't know the history. She was brought over from their other site Jezebel, because they only had all guy writers without her. She doesn't post as much as them, and her items tend to be on the fluffy side. She's a good Emily replacement, at least she seems to have the hand-wringing and earnestness nailed. She got arrested for drinking beer out of a bag at a subway stop. Should give you a good idea what she's about.


Posted by: abbe May 23 2008, 10:38 AM

well i wrote her an e-mail, cuz i went to double check my "status"-- since there wasn't anything on my profile page indicating my "comment privileges" were disabled, and it said "...send an e-mail to us..." (and THEN the "disabled" message appeared)

abbe diaz to sheila, tips, nick
6:03 PM (15 hours ago)

subj: oh rilly?

actually Sheila-- evidently, it was quite brilliantly "intelligent." sorry you just didn't "get it."
and quite frankly, it seems to me that little move of yours was kinda a little "ad hominen" calling the kettle "emotional," seeing as i wasn't really talking to you (or any of your readers, for that matter).
and call me crazy (oh hah ! yalls DO) but i'm preeeeeetty sure good ole Josh Stein's skin is a wee bit thicker than that. (otherwise, his name would be Ben Leventhal, right?)
if he doesn't know it, please feel free to let him know, he is MORE THAN WELCOME to rebut-- as he has always done before. unless of course, he actually enjoys you fighting his battles for him.

in any case, i am trying to do the right thing by humbly requesting you re-instate my comment privileges. sorry, but i seriously maintain i have absolutely earned the right, considering how gawker and its readers have treated me in the past. truly, i do believe it's only fair, since absolutely nobody should be subject to criticism without defense. however, if you insist, i will curtail my use of profanities should you be kind enough to assent (mind you, i said "curtail," not "cease"-- since gawker's policy does not seem to require it).

you need not fear i will unleash my so-called "batshitness" on the gleeful commenters tapdancing on my grave. okay-- actually, i kinda do wanna answer the "moff" guy (funny!) and maybe clarify the "bryanboy" thing. other than that, i couldn't care less.

i do hope you will reconsider.

thank you,
abbe diaz

p.s. by the way, despite the pile-on in that awesome "thread" (thanks!), several of your readers have sent me very nice e-mails and facebook messages and whatnot, "apologizing" to me for the whole ordeal. i'm just sayin.


no answer.



Posted by: abbe May 23 2008, 10:57 AM

oh ! it DID say "send e-mail from profile page" but when i went to check yesterday, there was no place on the profile page to "send e-mail" from. but now there's a whole box e-mail "form" thingie there !

so i guess i'll send it again ?



Posted by: MILFweed May 23 2008, 11:50 AM

That's nice of you but whatever Abs. If you really wanted to get back in there I'm sure i could get you a few more passwords.


Posted by: MILFweed May 23 2008, 12:00 PM

QUOTE (swee @ May 23 2008, 04:56 AM)
She hasn't been there that long, I don't think. That's likely why she doesn't know the history. She was brought over from their other site Jezebel, because they only had all guy writers without her. She doesn't post as much as them, and her items tend to be on the fluffy side. She's a good Emily replacement, at least she seems to have the hand-wringing and earnestness nailed. She got arrested for drinking beer out of a bag at a subway stop. Should give you a good idea what she's about.

That wasn't a very smart move on her part. All she did was draw more attention to how dumb he is. Now she looks prissy and humorless and he looks like a scared nancy boy that needs his mommy to protect him. 'Because I said so' is about the dumbest it can possibly get. Even from a PR standpoint the 4000 views is a boon and the comments only validate it. Not one single articulate argument as to why Abs should be banned but only alot of whining about how she intimidated them time and again. And this coming from Gawker of all places. Shameless.

Posted by: Dick Johnson May 23 2008, 01:45 PM

Oh, right, like he didn't have that problem already?

Seriously now though, I just read all those comments, and let me make sure I get this straight - they have a Velvet Rope system for commenters, right? Holy cow. That's like putting a rope and a doorman at KFC, from what I gather.

So, they all whined and linked to Abbe's old comments (Stalkers! Nice.) and followed her every move, but they were too punk-assed to comment anything about her at the time. So they all waited until Abbe got banned and couldn't respond, before they gang-banged.


Posted by: Inkslinger May 23 2008, 02:16 PM

QUOTE (virgo @ May 22 2008, 07:33 PM)
wait, they banned you for making a good point? that's not funny, that's punkass.

OK, if you say so.

"Because I said so" is the new "insight", apparently.

Posted by: jo May 23 2008, 02:33 PM

QUOTE (MILFweed @ May 23 2008, 12:00 PM)
Even from a PR standpoint the 4000 views is a boon and the comments only validate it.

That's 4,000 views with no reason to click-through. There isn't any "MORE>>" link on the front page. So that would mean people were clicking for the sole purpose of reading the comments. Funny, now that you've mentioned it, I see that the number of comments [currently at 117] has been removed - for example, where it used to say "117 Comments" it now only says, "Comments." That would seem to indicate that they intentionally removed the number that was indicating the quantity so that it would curb their readers' curiosity, putting a halt on the view numbers?

They're probably not happy that we're gloating about it.

Posted by: Inkslinger May 23 2008, 03:52 PM

The numbers are showing again. It does say '117 comments' right now, but I know that it didn't before, because when I clicked to read them, I was surprised to see how many there were. (There are only a few that are bad; alot of them are good! Most have nothing to do with Abbester at all.)

Maybe Sheila McClearly-Not-Smart wasn't satisfied with the $30 she made, and wants to go for more.


Posted by: Jason Has-Binn May 23 2008, 02:41 PM

QUOTE (swee @ May 23 2008, 04:56 AM)
She hasn't been there that long, I don't think. That's likely why she doesn't know the history. She was brought over from their other site Jezebel, because they only had all guy writers without her. She doesn't post as much as them, and her items tend to be on the fluffy side. She's a good Emily replacement, at least she seems to have the hand-wringing and earnestness nailed. She got arrested for drinking beer out of a bag at a subway stop. Should give you a good idea what she's about.

sheila mcclear-ly-she's-not-the-sharpest-tool-in-the-shed

Posted by: swee May 23 2008, 05:56 PM

That's pretty apropos, but none of them have been that great. It'll never be as good as when Spiers was there. Balk and Nolan are the only ones that even come close.


Posted by: jo May 24 2008, 04:10 PM


Subj: Stalker
Friday, May 23, 2008 3:18 PM
From: "PX This." <>
To:"" <>

Omg right now having lunch at da Silvano 6th ave,Brian grazerhead eating with owners and guess who. Crazy Abbe Diaz just talking about how gawker hates her. Sitting right next to us. Doesn't look that nuts in person. Love the hair and nice dress. Grazer could use some crest whitestrips. Can't you all just get along? Ha

Sent from my iPhone

What's the matter, he doesn't have his own iPhone?

Oh, if only gawker had any idea...


Posted by: Inkslinger May 27 2008, 12:23 PM

QUOTE (jo @ May 24 2008, 04:10 PM)
What's the matter, he doesn't have his own iPhone?
Oh, if only gawker had any idea...

I bet that they don't even post it.


Posted by: virgo May 27 2008, 01:29 PM

my bf worked on one of grazer's films, and then about 6 mos later, he ran into him at starbuck's. so he said hello to him and mentioned the film, and brian grazer just said "hey! does my shirt match my shoes alright?"

Posted by: abbe May 27 2008, 02:29 PM



QUOTE (jo @ May 24 2008, 04:10 PM)
What's the matter, he doesn't have his own iPhone?


and i was talking about Crest NightEffects (just cuz i heard that shit actually works, but i didn't say he needs it). i never said anything about WhiteStrips.

Posted by: whats anorexia? May 27 2008, 03:37 PM

"Omg right now having lunch at da Silvano 6th ave,Brian grazerhead eating with owners and guess who. Crazy Abbe Diaz just talking about how gawker hates her. Sitting right next to us. Doesn't look that nuts in person. Love the hair and nice dress. Grazer could use some crest whitestrips."

that's so cool that he has a good sense of humor about being called grazerhead.

Posted by: swee May 27 2008, 04:34 PM

QUOTE (Inkslinger @ May 27 2008, 12:23 PM)
I bet that they don't even post it.

Sorry, Gawker is a little busy posting the umpteen millionth Gould reference and double cross-posting her SATC ruminations on Jezebel over to Defamer right now.

Posted by: Inkslinger May 28 2008, 04:32 PM

QUOTE (abbe @ Mar 7 2008, 07:14 PM)
oh yah ! and evidently emily-gould is the one who called me "unintelligible" and "lame-dropping" but then like the next day she turned around and bit MY "you are so totally black" line
so. ya know--- FUCK THAT WHORE.

I'm glad that the story got re-posted, because there were parts of it that I didn't remember.

So, your friend went up to the owner of Gawker at Waverly Inn, and basically the only thing that she did was say, "Thanks for ruining what was supposed to be a great day for me." And Emily Gould, instead of accepting that she was rightfully angry about what was written about her, turned around and retaliated by posting even worse, nastier, unsubstantiated rumors? dry.gif

Yeah I definitely don't feel sorry for her at all.

Posted by: swee May 28 2008, 05:58 PM

Emily Gould "Shocked" By Her Cover Photo
It's Day 8 of the Emily Gould saga, the former Gawker editor whose first-person blogging narrative that landed the cover of the New York Times Magazine. Our coverage of her is nothing personal, just business—she's officially a "person of interest"! Today's installment: some people, including Gould herself, seem to be offended by the article's accompanying photos, shot by fine art photographer Elinor Carucci. They're "intimate," like the text, but "intimate" also reads as "sexy," and God knows we can't have that. (Gould called them "vaguely cheesecakey" in a NYT Q&A.) Although the Observer wrote today that "the writer was involved in winnowing the photos to a dozen... 'when I saw the cover, I was shocked,' Ms. Gould said on the phone. Did she feel a tad exploited?"

Sheila's bleeding-heart shtick is starting to grate.


Also, Sheila just outed a source, in some kind of ill-conceived gesture to defend Joshua Stein again.


Posted by: whats anorexia? May 29 2008, 12:26 PM

QUOTE Atherton at 05:17 PM on 05/28/08
Squealing on a source, just because he said something not very nice about Josh Stein? Hmm, that strikes me as rather drastic (not to mention-- illogical).
Sheila, are you sleeping with him, too? Sorry, but given the historical circumstances around here, I don't think this could be considered either an unfair or offensive question.
Just curious.

QUOTE Bell County at 06:00 PM on 05/28/08
Atherton's a PXthis?

QUOTE Richard at 05:38 PM on 05/28/08
@Atherton: It's actually both unfair and offensive. Bye now!

this is like abbe getting banned from egullet all over again.


Posted by: angel May 29 2008, 01:45 PM


From to

"Insulting me, or any other writer, is not grounds for execution."- Nick Denton, 3/12/08, 4:48pm

Are yalls changing your name to now or something? I can't decide which is more ridiculous-- your hypocrisy, your censorship, or your apparent punkassedness.
We of the restaurant industry have a saying: "If you can't take the heat..."
Stick that in your Top Chef recap and eat it.


Posted by: MILFweed May 29 2008, 02:36 PM

This is hysterical. What a bunch of pansies.


Posted by: swee May 29 2008, 04:00 PM

QUOTE (whats anorexia? @ May 29 2008, 12:22 PM)
Richard at 05:38 PM on 05/28/08
@Atherton: It's actually both unfair and offensive. Bye now!

That's not that surprising, since Richard Lawson is neck-in-neck with Sheila McClear on the Lame-O-Meter. His entire arsenal of witticisms consists of lame attempts at self-effacement. That comment about Sheila is hardly unfair or offensive, given the fact that both Stein and Gould plastered their stories all over the covers of major magazines and owe their entire claim to fame on their publicized sex lives, not to mention the spike in Gawker pageviews. It's self-indulgent stuff like this that has been alienating their commenters for a long time now. Gawker has devolved into little more than a My Space page for their sycophants and Julia Allison.

Posted by: Staff Meal May 30 2008, 11:37 AM

QUOTE (Inkslinger @ May 28 2008, 04:32 PM)
So, your friend went up to the owner of Gawker at Waverly Inn, and basically the only thing that she did was say, "Thanks for ruining what was supposed to be a great day for me." And Emily Gould, instead of accepting that she was rightfully angry about what was written about her, turned around and retaliated by posting even worse, nastier, unsubstantiated rumors?

QUOTE person of interest, books, leigh haber, media, publishing
Info Plz!
Anything up with Leigh Haber that we should know about? The Rodale editor and NY Post friend, who published Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, "will be 'working from home' till the end of her contract and is to have no contact with anyone at Rodale," a tipster informs us. Maybe things aren't going so well? Tell us what's going on! (Haber ran into our publisher at the Waverly Inn once, re: this post. It didn't go so well.) Update: "As we understand it, she was *not* happy about having Karen Rinaldi as her new boss (rather than her pal Steve Murphy) and refused to do much of anything when Karen signed on. She didn't go to [Book Expo], and cleared out her office this morning. No one is to speak to her about her projects, and her assistant and the editor under her now report to Karen."
1 comment


Posted by: Inkslinger May 30 2008, 12:38 PM

Well, it's good to know that Beater doesn't have the whole monopoly on baiting Abbe.

I never thought I would ever defend Eater, but at least when they obviously bait Abbester, they actually let her speak her say [instead of banning/censoring her].


Posted by: Inkslinger May 30 2008, 12:51 PM

Oh and 'person of interest'? Just like Emily Gould?
Sorry you didn't even make your $7.50 on this one, Sheila. 400 views doesn't seem to indicate that Leigh Haber is that much of a 'person of interest'. But maybe that's just because she isn't a famewhore that plastered a picture of herself in bed on the front of NY Times and wrote about the guys she's had sex with.

Posted by: virgo May 30 2008, 02:37 PM

ok it took me awhile to get thru the whole mess, but i think i got it down now. basically the whole thing is fucked up. those losers at gawker should get a life.

Posted by: MILFweed May 30 2008, 05:53 PM

QUOTE (swee @ May 29 2008, 04:00 PM)
That's not that surprising, since Richard Lawson is neck-in-neck with Sheila McClear on the Lame-O-Meter. His entire arsenal of witticisms consists of lame attempts at self-effacement. That comment about Sheila is hardly unfair or offensive

Especially considering that there are far harsher comments from other people in that thread alone (without even taking into account the rest of the site). But it's still not surprising because we have been saying this all along. It's amazing how they feel entitled to say whatever they please about anyone but they can't handle the pressure of being rebutted? And these are people that call themselves writers but obviously don't even have the words to stand up to Abbe articulately. So they just ban her instead.

Pansies. I'm almost embarrassed for them.

And yeah I never liked Gawker before but now the content and comments just plain suck.

Posted by: MILFweed May 30 2008, 06:00 PM

QUOTE (Inkslinger @ May 30 2008, 12:38 PM)
Well, it's good to know that Beater doesn't have the whole monopoly on baiting Abbe.
I never thought I would ever defend Eater, but at least when they obviously bait Abbester, they actually let her speak her say [instead of banning/censoring her].


But on the bright side I'm looking forward to reading how all this plays out in Ab's next book.


Posted by: abbe May 31 2008, 05:02 PM

QUOTE (swee @ May 29 2008, 04:00 PM)
That comment about Sheila is hardly unfair or offensive

seriously, right ??!!

some other person up in there is all: "nick denton would sell his left nut for pageviews" and they go and cut ME off.

i mean: puhleeze.


Posted by: whats anorexia? Jun 3 2008, 12:31 PM

QUOTE (Inkslinger @ May 27 2008, 12:23 PM)
I bet that they don't even post it.

Brian Grazer
Prince St & Mercer St
Jun 2nd, 2008 @ 9am
He was walking down Prince away from the Mercer Hotel, hair perfectly coiffed/spiked. He looked bored and was wearing an ugly white t-shirt with a red pattern on it. Shirt thin enough for clear nipple outlines.


Posted by: whats anorexia? Jun 5 2008, 04:35 PM

QUOTE (swee @ May 29 2008, 04:00 PM)
Gawker has devolved into little more than a My Space page for their sycophants and Julia Allison.

you weren't kidding!

Commenters Delight
Hey Gawker commenters! Would you like to push your chairs away from your desks and head out into the New York air to actually meet, face-to-face, some of your commenter brethren? You do, right?? Well it's a good thing then that commenters Phyllis Nefler and the supergoddess are organizing a Commenters Ball! Or, at least, a group meet-up at a bar. They'll be holding court at the Scratcher, a watering hole located at 209 E. 5th st, on Wednesday June 11. Starts at 7pm and goes until the bartender kicks our sorry drunken asses out. Hope to see you there!


Posted by: abbe Jun 9 2008, 02:17 PM

hahhahahhaa oh man

ya know back when i was a "piglet" we had about 10,000 members, and after about a year of "the community" [ ] existing, a bunch of peoples in LA decided they wanted to have a big party.
so then everyone on the east coast got jealous, so they threw a piglet shindig in NYC too.

anyways, i didn't attend-- i much prefer to meet peoples one-on-one instead of going to some big drunken hedonistic orgyfest

but then i'd heard alls about the experience later, from another piglet (one of whom i did meet in flesh and blood person) that went to to the LA gathering, and he said to me and i quote:

"realizing how physically unattracted i was to these people cured me of alllllllll my online coquettishness"

i'm just sayin.


Posted by: Staff Meal Jun 12 2008, 12:41 PM

this is from a post about frank bruni's review of ago

Why don't restaurant critics wear disguises anymore?
For real restaurant reviews what about that crazy chick who occasionally posts here - she has the blog with lots of vendettas, swearing and no punctuation? Her stuff is at least colorful. Can't remember her name.

@gladys_kravitz: You're thinking of ChickenJungle AKA Abbe Diaz, may she rest in peace.


what i don't understand is that i thought the whole purpose of gawker's audition process was to get commenters that are insider-y and not just people that will say "lol" or "that sucks". but for example if you look at the comments in that thread, it's obvious that most of them don't have a clue.


Posted by: swee Jun 12 2008, 06:28 PM

I believe that it was Emily Gould that started the trend of 'executing' commenters simply because they disagreed with her opinions, and the prevailing attitude stuck. It's unfortunate that they can't grasp the axiom that censorship is the most powerful tool of only the weak and feeble-minded.


Posted by: Dick Johnson Jun 12 2008, 01:32 PM

QUOTE (Staff Meal @ Jun 12 2008, 12:41 PM)
You're thinking of ChickenJungle AKA Abbe Diaz, may she rest in peace.

Obviously, they have no idea who they're dealing with.


Posted by: virgo Jun 13 2008, 12:58 PM

QUOTE (abbe @ Jun 9 2008, 02:17 PM)
"realizing how physically unattracted i was to these people cured me of alllllllll my online coquettishness"

if the majority of the commenters don't have anything intelligent to say, and spend all their time either posting negative comments or kissing ass, honestly how attractive do you think they are going to be in person?

Posted by: swee Jun 26 2008, 05:23 PM
Oh God. We seem to have gotten a copy of former Gawker editorrecent Times Magazine cover subjectchronic-oversharer Emily Gould's book proposal, And the Heart Says, "Whatever." We're not going to pass judgment, not even about the title. We'll just tell you that it's a first-person "assortment of semi-cautionary tales," in the manner of Sloane Crosely's I Was Told There'd Be Cake (her description), with chapters organized around Emily's tattoos, and that while, Gould says, most of the stories "will have nothing to do with blogs or blog-fame's weirdness," about "60,000-65,000 words feels about right for the material." (Does that number apply to the blog material alone? Unclear.) "While nothing that has happened to me in and of itself has been that noteworthy: Lots of young people have lived in big cities, and have had an assortment of strange and ordinary jobs there are some truths about doing these things and about writing about them online that haven't yet been expressed." Emphasis ours. We can't show you the whole thing people are bidding so you'll be able to get it soon enough, and knowing Emily we suspect she might just scan it herself but there's a small excerpt after the jump.

Posted by: Inkslinger Jun 26 2008, 06:48 PM

As the person that once said, "I don't feel sorry for her at all", I now have to say that I take it back.

I definitely feel sorry for her now. Because that was just pitiful.


Posted by: Dick Johnson Jun 27 2008, 11:58 AM

Well, you know what they say, "Those who can't... criticize!"

Looks like this one should never have quit her day job.


Posted by: abbe Jun 27 2008, 04:22 PM


alls i'm sayin is: that bitch has SOME SET all right.

Posted by: Inkslinger Jul 1 2008, 03:07 PM


Uh, yeah, I think it's kinda funny the book is One Fifth and not 20 Fifth, seeing as I used to run into Candace Bushnell in the lobby and elevators and whatnot there, all the time. She would visit Jay McInerney, who lived in that building with Jenine Peplar, up until he moved out to marry that really super-rich woman.
(Also, Jason Binn lived there, as did John MacDonald, and that anchor dude who talks about money on the Money-Makers' Whatever Channel, too. Plus, that doctor that does all the pre-film insurance check-ups for all the movie stars is in the lobby.)

Anyhoo, I just want to add that if I ever run into like, Joshua Stein or Ben Leventhal in the street or wherever, I would have absolutely no problem slapping those bitches across the face. In other words, I would never toss any "e-brick" I wouldn't also gladly boink you over the head with.

I'm just sayin.

As Steve Lewis said, Abbester, "You are my Obi Wan Kenobe".

Posted by: Staff Meal Jul 2 2008, 02:54 PM

i honestly thought that gawker readers were more savvy than this. but they have no clue how old this news is? and they haven't heard about the landlord re-opening R&L?

they should either get a better nightlife reporter or just stop writing about it at all.

Posted by: Inkslinger Jul 3 2008, 12:26 PM

I've always said that Abbester should do it! It's been years since her blog started and still to this day she is the preeminent authority on F&B/Nightlife. The only person that even comes close is Steve Lewis, but his writing isn't nearly as good, and he's too busy pandering to all his old friends or potential Design clients (not to mention Joonbug).

Abbester eats out early every night of the week, and just in the last couple, she's had dinners with Brian McNally, Serge Becker and Mudo from Turkey. She gets constant emails from Brian Grazer. And she's engaged to Sasha Muniak for chrissakes.

We have been telling her constantly that if she doesn't do it for someone else, then she should take the Creative Directorship she was offered to build a new site. Abbester would kick all these lame blog's asses. Go Abbester!


Posted by: MILFweed Jul 3 2008, 04:37 PM

Amen to that. My husband and I have already agreed to invest. Not that Abbs needs it.

Artists can be so stubborn sometimes.


Posted by: abbe Jul 15 2008, 02:30 PM

who says i don't need it ??

trust me bitch-- if i decide to do it, i am SO taking your money.



Posted by: snax Jul 16 2008, 12:16 AM

we're all telling her the same thing...

it would be awesome.

oh maaan, can you IMAGINE???

Posted by: Dick Johnson Jul 16 2008, 12:37 PM

What's wrong with this site?


Posted by: abbe Aug 26 2008, 11:10 AM

The End of Amy Sacco
Joshua David Stein, New York's busiest and most influential reporter, delivered a tour de force article in Page Six Magazine this week...



oh brother.

scott, you know i love you and all, but if you keep blatantly sucking your boyfriends's balls alls over this place, then you can be sure you may never ever ever ask me to hook you up for a stupid reservation anywheres in this godforsaken town ever again.

"most influential" ?? GET SERIOUS.


p.s. please tell your silly goofball bitch i said "hi!" and "bite me, mutherfukker." thanks.

August 25, 2008 at 05:47PM | abbe diaz

eeheee hahaa ahahahahaaa

yah we have fun sometimes.

Posted by: swee Dec 2 2008, 07:28 PM

QUOTE (virgo @ May 22 2008, 06:45 PM)
"Hey, hey, hey! It's time for some people to calm the fuck down... Abbe Diaz. I don't care who you are or what you've publishedthis kind of ad hominem, personal commenting-attack won't be tolerated here, because it's unintelligent and immature. And also, because I said so. The monkeys may be running the zoo herebut luckily, I'm one of them. That's all."

QUOTE (Jason Has-Binn @ May 23 2008, 01:41 PM)
sheila mcclear-ly-she's-not-the-sharpest-tool-in-the-shed

It appears there's one less monkey running the zoo. Auf wiedersehen, Sheila McClear.

Posted by: omnipresent Dec 3 2008, 12:23 PM

Sheila's the one that always posted about JA after Emily Gould left? Eh, no big loss.


Posted by: MILFweed Dec 3 2008, 01:07 PM

It's very interesting that ever since the NY Mag article came out calling the gawker writers the angry and bitter creative underclass Denton has been shaving them off the masthead one by one. By my count the ones that thought they were witty and snarky but were actually just bitter and angry are almost all gone. Who knows? Gawker might actually be good now.

Posted by: abbe Dec 3 2008, 01:52 PM

QUOTE (swee @ Dec 2 2008, 06:28 PM)
It appears there's one less monkey running the zoo. Auf wiedersehen, Sheila McClear.


i just spent a whole mess of time reading pretty much every single comment in that "hasta la pasta, mcclear" thread at gawker, and alls i can say is:


no seriously ? to me, they sound like a toolshed full of tools.

i mean-- i'm vaguely aware Gawker was turning into some sort of pretentious circle-jerking Facebook "wall"-- but lord have mercy. the bullshit in that thread was enough to make my brain cells crawl.

and ha HAH

the bit about spiegelman bitching about the money ?? hahahahahahahahahahahaaa. awesome.

(i used to kinda like spiegelman, because his "shtick" always seemed pretty innocuous to me. but lately, wtf ??

yah. OKAY. check it--
does anybody kinda remember how i started this bloggie/forum thingie, and one of the things we addressed CONSTANTLY was how peoples within OUR industry were being robbed of their salaries ??

and how some DUMB FUCK (who just haaaappened to sleeping with his other DUMB FUCK COLLEAGUE) called me alls sorts of things like "napoleonic" and "batshit crazy" and called the aforementioned robbery "[MY] perceived injustices" ??

seriously, take a look at this shit--->

"oh ian, you have balls of steel!" "oh ian you're the man!" "oh ian, you can date-rape me any day!"
i'm not kidding.

and then ohhhh i dunno-- think about the day sheila-whateverthefuckface BANNED ME for defending myself and pointing out what a stupid hypocritical NON-UPDATING NON-RETRACTING fuckass her EX-colleague is.

isn't it amazing sometimes how what goes around really does come around.

Posted by: abbe Dec 3 2008, 02:05 PM

QUOTE (omnipresent @ Dec 3 2008, 11:23 AM)
Sheila's the one that always posted about JA after Emily Gould left? Eh, no big loss.

hey, i like that julia-allison shit. come on-- if you look at it the right way, that shit is FASCINATING.

especially when you have somebody like gould or sheila-whatever doing the commentatoring on the subject, because even though they would (of course) never admit it in a bazillion years, you can totally tell how envious of that girl those two really truly are. hhahahahahaa it's sick. in an utterly enthralling Melrose Place kind of way. this is the way "reality teevee" SHOULD be!

Posted by: abbe Dec 3 2008, 02:10 PM

QUOTE (MILFweed @ Dec 3 2008, 12:07 PM)
It's very interesting that ever since the NY Mag article came out calling the gawker writers the angry and bitter creative underclass Denton has been shaving them off the masthead one by one. By my count the ones that thought they were witty and snarky but were actually just bitter and angry are almost all gone. Who knows? Gawker might actually be good now.


as much as i would appreciate a cooler, more objective, less snark-infested Gawker, i dunno. i was kinda starting to get into the whole 'inside baseball' thing. seriously

that was some PRIME entertainment.

well. we'll see what happens next i guess.

see ? isn't this fun ?

Posted by: Dick Johnson Dec 3 2008, 03:39 PM

QUOTE (abbe @ Dec 3 2008, 12:52 PM)
i just spent a whole mess of time reading pretty much every single comment in that "
hasta la pasta, mcclear" thread at gawker"


Posted by: abbe Dec 4 2008, 12:04 PM




Posted by: Inkslinger Jan 23 2009, 11:21 AM

Triple post! Yes, I posted it in two other threads, because it deserves it!


Abbe Diaz
3:24 PM on Thu Jan 22 2009

Mmhmm, Joshua David Stein.

I see your definition of Leah and Hosea "consummat[ing]" their Dumbpoop Romance is DRAMATICALLY different form the way YOU consummated YOURS.

Unless maybe of course-- Hosea decides to go and brag about it on Eater, and then Leah counters his depiction on the cover of Food&Wine.



7:29 AM

@karion: @Pope John Peeps II: This is a prime example of why people hate Gawker so much. You people are so pretentious, while at the same time being so ignorant.

Josh Stein has displayed himself to be such an arrogant, clueless jackass when it comes to Abbe, and we all admire her for sticking up to him, which in turn means she's sticking up for us.

You people should try sticking your heads up out of the sand every once in a while, and then maybe you will begin to see how others that are not in your little "neighborhood" see you.



7:38 AM

@karion: What's your point about Josh's wife? That he shouldn't take the consequences of his actions or for being such a hypocrite, because he's married now?

It's funny how this seems to be an argument between Josh and Abbe, and yet you can't manage to keep out of it, despite you knowing nothing about it. Worse, you seem to think it's OK to drag in his innocent wife, who obviously has nothing to do with any of this.


8:00 AM

@karion: Are you sure you're not the one that's just projecting your fantasies of fellating Josh on someone else?

At least Abbe is defending someone that she knows personally, in real life. You're acting like a yapping lapdog over someone whose posts you read on the internet.


Posted by: Inkslinger Jan 23 2009, 11:48 AM


11:15 PM on Thu Jan 22 2009

@Abbe Diaz: Has it ever occurred to you, in your sober moments, that no one drops your name?

Seriously, find another neighborhood. This group knows how nuts you are, and how much you want to fellate Joshua David Stein, despite his expose of your nuttiness. You are a mojito short of overdosing in front of his apartment. Where he lives with his wife. Which rhymes with life.

No one drops Abbe's name?

This Karion chick is not only obviously jealous of Abbester, she's clearly stupid. Here's the list of some of the "no one"s that have "dropped" Abbe's name.


Posted by: MILFweed Jan 23 2009, 12:42 PM

Oh Abs that's so cute. The miserable midget-minded gawker commenters are obsessed with you! It's like having you own litter of yappy ankle-nipping terriers except they're ugly and flea-bitten instead of cute and furry.

Yea, moron - it rhymes with life. As in try getting one of your own so you don't have to stick your ugly unwanted face in others'.


Posted by: omnipresent Jan 23 2009, 01:41 PM

Hey, I'm a Gawker commenter!

But I agree. Those other miserable, midget-minded people definitely need to be knocked off their high horses once in awhile. They're no better than trolls, but they have their noses in the air because they can express themselves without using words like, "w00t" and "pwned".

I always like your posts, Abbe. You go girl!

Posted by: Dick Johnson Jan 23 2009, 02:03 PM



11:15 PM on Thu Jan 22 2009

@Abbe Diaz: Has it ever occurred to you, in your sober moments, that no one drops your name?

Seriously, find another neighborhood. This group knows how nuts you are, and how much you want to fellate Joshua David Stein, despite his expose of your nuttiness. You are a mojito short of overdosing in front of his apartment. Where he lives with his wife. Which rhymes with life.

Oh, yeah - that's mature. Remind me again why these jerkoffs are so pretentious?

Gee, lemme give it a try:

And has it ever occurred to you, when you're off the crack pipe, that no one even knows your name, you cowardly, pathetic, miserable troll?

Seriously, find a fucking man. This group knows what a loser you are, and how much you want to fellate Joshua Stupid Swine, despite him being a retarded hack of an idiot.
You are one YouTube account short of slitting your wrists on video. Insert asinine lame-self-righteous-bullshit non-sequitur here.

Posted by: Trollai Llama Jan 23 2009, 03:40 PM

Meh. On a scale of 1 to 10?



Posted by: swee Jan 26 2009, 12:14 PM

QUOTE (omnipresent @ Jan 23 2009, 12:41 PM)
Hey, I'm a Gawker commenter!
But I agree. Those other miserable, midget-minded people definitely need to be knocked off their high horses once in awhile. They're no better than trolls, but they have their noses in the air because they can express themselves without using words like, "w00t" and "pwned".

One of the main reasons I stopped commenting on Gawker is because the cliquishness is nauseating. They used to have a few irreverent commentators, who made the dialogue much more stimulating [e.g., "URNIDIOT"]. It seems they've all moved on, chased away by the banality of Julia Allison and the cattiness of the cliques who think they run "the neighborhood".

I can hardly bear to look at the comments anymore, but do admit Gawker's newest incarnation is probably the best since Spiers was running the show, despite its disparity.

Posted by: Captain Kangaroo Jan 26 2009, 12:52 PM

QUOTE (omnipresent @ Jan 23 2009, 12:41 PM)
Hey, I'm a Gawker commenter!

After reading some of those comments, I feell like I need to take a shower. No offense.

Posted by: abbe Aug 27 2009, 12:02 PM

well look who just turned up at grubstreet


Well Joshua David Stein, as we're all well aware from your short tenure at Gawker, the amount of knowledge and/or insight you have about the restaurant industry is about as small as the measure of your character.
So let me just enlighten you a bit:

Of all the many conversations I (the official "former maitre d' to the stars") have had with members of the industry (many of them quite prominent), it's Danyelle Freeman's reviews that have surprisingly been deemed the "most accurate." I've often heard it said her reviews are "refreshing" in that they lack the blatant bias and partiality of most other restaurant critics.

And despite her "concern with getting her face out there," she's actually the least recognizable, probably because she appears younger and more diminutive in person than her photo would suggest (as GrubStreet has already acknowledged by recounting the anecdote of my "exposing" Ms. Freeman's presence when she dined at Secession-- titled: "Abbe Diaz Rats Out Restaurant Girl..."), thereby giving her greater credibility than even the supposedly enigmatic critics like Frank Bruni (who actually is certainly recognizable to any NYC industry member who deems him/herself a true professional).

Unfortunately for Ms. Freeman however, her reviews probably won't be missed much within the industry, as another frequently expressed sentiment is that "Daily News readers are the meanest diners."

You're welcome.
Oh wait, that's right, you hate edification. Run along and cry to your editors to have me banned now, Mr. Stein. Oh, NY Magazine doesn't have Gawkers hypocritical elitist commenting system? (Yet, at least.) Gee whiz, that's too bad. I guess that means you'll have to go to whoooole lot more trouble to shut me up here.
BY ABBE_DIAZ on 08/27/2009 at 10:57am


Posted by: Inkslinger Aug 28 2009, 12:05 PM

Yes it is!


Danyelle Freeman is a veritable Eudora Welty next to abbe diaz! Vey is mere! She's like Doc Chuck in a halter top.

BY MR_CUTLETS on 08/27/2009 at 6:23pm


Oh, Josh Ozersky (aka Mr.Cutlets), did you come back to your old stomping grounds to help defend your pitiful friend, Joshua David Stein? How very typically bloggetty-bloogie-circle-jerky of you!

Yah-- and Doc Chuck is a veritable Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin compared to a clueless, over-bloated, publicist-indentured sycophant like you.

Remind me again how the underlings of the restaurant industry constitute my "strange, strange world" ?
Yes, it figures you would side with Mr.Stein, who deigns to grace us with his culinary genius with one keyboard while he openly denigrates us with another. Hmm, what was it he called the workers of the industry? Oh yeah, that's right-- "the seedy underbelly."

In short: Both of you can SUCK IT.

BY ABBE_DIAZ on 08/28/2009 at 9:13am


Posted by: Inkslinger Oct 27 2009, 02:41 PM

Ozersky, The Feedbag Call It A Day
" Josh Ozersky announces his departure as Senior Editor of Citysearch and the death of The Dash Feedbag, the one year-old site he left Grub Street to create...."

The RSS feed for this says "RIP Ozersky" and I thought he had finally succumbed to mad cow disease.

Sorry, but Mr. Ozersky had become completely irrelevant to the dining culture in New York City. If Josh stays on hiatus, I'll throw in another 25 bucks for good measure.

Heard that Yelp is looking for a senior editor.

Sample Ozersky post: Today I went to Le Bernardin. I called up The Ripper and told him to prepare a fish my good friend Guy Fiori gave me as a present for being so awesome. Then, I met Tom-Tom Colichs (that's my special pet name for him!!!!) for some drinks. He's one of my BFFs. Have I mentioned that before? oh! oh! oh! And then I met a VERY, VERY famous celebrity chef (who shall remain nameless) for dessert (it was Rachel Ray!!!!!). How awesome is that? Lastly, I forgot to mention that I cooked the dessert blindfolded and this anonymous, INCREDIBLY famous chef (Rachel Ray!!!) said it was "the bestest most awesomest dessert I have ever had in my entire life as Rachel Ray!!!" WOw!!!!

the 'bag was a snooze and JO's friends-and-family circlejerk


Posted by: swee Feb 16 2010, 12:28 PM

Hey, Gabe, I have an idea. It's probably because you suck.

Posted by: Dick Johnson Feb 16 2010, 01:47 PM

Thanks, buddy!


Posted by: swee Feb 16 2010, 03:13 PM

No sweat.


Posted by: Inkslinger Feb 17 2010, 01:10 PM

I know we're planning on archiving all these forum posts someday and moving all discussion to the main site, but I thought I'd re-post this here, anyway. We love those Google searches!


"Mystified" ? Puhleeze.

Gabriel Snyder was a jerkface. Doubled their traffic, did he? Ha ha ha yah okay.

Newsflash: That's what'll happen when you when you update your content 24/7. Even I have quintupled my traffic in the mere months since my site was re-launched, but I'm smart enough to realize it mostly comes from google searches (more content--> more keywords--> more hits--> more traffic). Duh.

That doesn't make you relevant. My friends on Facebook and New York Blips are far more pertinent aggregators. I haven't read Gawker in months and I don't miss it at all, and this is coming from somebody who used to be on that shit more often than Gawker posted about Julia Allison.

Snyder traded up quality for quantity and everbody is scratching their heads in bewilderment?

Gimme an effin break.

By abbe_diaz on 02/16/2010 at 1:49pm


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